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Professionals, Experts, Certified Consultants

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Economic Feasibility Studies and Consultancies

1.Need Analysis:Pertinent questions that should be asked include:

  •            what are the alternate means of satisfying the need?

  • what are the economic,social,environmental and political impacts of the need ?

  • is the need significant enough to justify the proposed project            


2.Process Work: What will be required to satisfy the need?


3. Cost Estimate: Estimating project cost to an acceptable level of accuracy


4. Financial Analysis: An analysis of the cash flow profile of the project


5. Project Impact: Environmental, Social, Cultural, Political, and economic impacts may be some of the factors that will determine how a project is perceived by the public.


6. Conclusions and Recommendations: Overall outcome of the project analysis


We prepare the economic studies for the new projects including the profitability of these projects. Also this includes the extent of economic feasibility over a certain period of operation such as economic feasibility studies and others.


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